MONTGOMERY — When the Alabama High School Athletic Association’s Summer Conference wrapped up on Friday, two Baldwin County schools were recognized for being ejection and sportsmanship …
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MONTGOMERY — When the Alabama High School Athletic Association’s Summer Conference wrapped up on Friday, two Baldwin County schools were recognized for being ejection and sportsmanship fine free for the 2023-24 school year.
Class 1A Bayshore Christian and Class 4A St. Michael Catholic, both in Fairhope, were among the 107 schools honored at the Principals & Athletic Directors meeting and the mandatory Medical Advisory meeting.
This year’s total of 107 high schools is up 27 from last year’s 80 Schools that reached this goal. Class 1A led the way this year with 27 schools, followed by Class 2A with 23, Class 3A with 16, Class 4A with 18, Class 5A with 12, Class 6A with 6 and Class 7A with 4.
The St. Michael Cardinals were also the benefactor of a $1,000 Sportsmanship Grant provided by the Alabama High School Athletic Directors & Coaches Association (AHSADCA) to one school from each district and two from Districts 1 and 6 in a show of commitment and support for the AHSAA’s sportsmanship initiatives.
David Offerle, assistant principal and co-athletic director at St. Michael Catholic, represented the Cardinals and principal Andrea Williamson as the acceptor of the grant.
Other district winners included Murphy (District 1), G.W. Long (District 2), Greensboro (District 3), Loachapoka (District 4), Paul Bryant (District 5), Alexandria (District 6), B.B. Comer (District 6), Berry (District 7) and Sardis (District 8).
Since the inception of the Sportsmanship School recognition, $1,000 grants have been awarded to selected schools achieving that status in each district since 2008. The total amount awarded in that time surpassed $132,000 spread among 120 different high schools.
The AHSAA’s member school administrators attended the final session of the 2024 Summer Conference Friday and heard a medical health and safety update from Dr. James Robinson, chairman of the AHSAA Medical Advisory Committee. AHSAA lawyer Joe Espy also addressed the group as well as AHSAA incoming Executive Director Heath Harmon and AHSAA Associate Executive Director Kim Vickers.