Roberts Brothers consolidates, sells Gulf Coast vacation rental arm to Liquid Life

GCM Staff Report
Posted 6/15/24

Roberts Brothers Inc., a real estate brokerage firm in South Alabama, made an announcement on Monday, June 10, regarding the sale of its Gulf Coast division of short-term vacation rentals to Liquid …

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Roberts Brothers consolidates, sells Gulf Coast vacation rental arm to Liquid Life


Roberts Brothers Inc., a real estate brokerage firm in South Alabama, made an announcement on Monday, June 10, regarding the sale of its Gulf Coast division of short-term vacation rentals to Liquid Life Vacation Rentals.

This strategic decision allows Roberts Brothers to streamline its operations and refocus on its core real estate services within the beach market.

The Gulf Coast division, a valued component of Roberts Brothers' portfolio, has been instrumental in providing premium vacation rental services to owners and guests alike. The acquisition by Liquid Life Vacation Rentals, a well-established entity in the local vacation rental market, ensures the continuation of high-quality service and management seamlessly.

"We are excited about this transition," said Teresa Williamson, president of Roberts Brothers. "This sale enables us to concentrate on our primary business areas while ensuring our clients continue to receive exceptional service under Liquid Life Vacation Rentals' experienced management."

Effective immediately, Liquid Life Vacation Rentals will assume control of operations, seamlessly integrating the Gulf Coast properties into its existing portfolio. Clients can rest assured that there will be no disruption in services during this transition period.