Heat and rain poised to drive pest increase in Alabama

GCM Staff Report
Posted 7/4/24

As meteorologists predict a sizzling summer for 2024 across the continental U.S., residents in Alabama are being warned to prepare for an unwelcome consequence: a significant uptick in pest activity.

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Heat and rain poised to drive pest increase in Alabama


As meteorologists predict a sizzling summer for 2024 across the continental U.S., residents in Alabama are being warned to prepare for an unwelcome consequence: a significant uptick in pest activity.

The latest projections from The Pest Dude highlight a surge in common household bugs, driven by the anticipated combination of warmer-than-average temperatures and increased rainfall.

According to climate data analyzed from Climate.gov, Alabama's forecasted hot and wet conditions provide an ideal environment for pests, including mosquitoes, ants, termites, flies, aphids, fleas, ticks, beetles, gnats, cockroaches and earwigs.

Zachary Smith, a pest expert with The Pest Dude, explains the reasons behind this expected boom and offers practical tips for managing these potential invaders.


Why more frequent: Warm temperatures and stagnant water from increased rainfall create perfect breeding grounds for mosquitoes.


Insect repellents: Use EPA-approved repellents with DEET, picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus.

Eliminate standing water: Regularly empty, cover or treat containers holding water, such as birdbaths and flowerpots.

Mosquito nets and screens: Repair window and door screens and use mosquito nets over beds.

Outdoor treatments: Treat yards with labeled insecticides.


Why more frequent: Hot weather boosts ant foraging activity, and rain drives them indoors seeking shelter.


Ant baits and traps: Place baits near entry points and along ant trails.

Seal entry points: Inspect and seal cracks and gaps around windows, doors and foundations.

Maintain clean surfaces: Keep kitchen areas clean and free of crumbs and spills.


Why more frequent: Increased moisture levels support termite colony growth.


Regular inspections: Schedule annual inspections by licensed pest control professionals.

Termite barriers: Install physical or chemical barriers around the foundation.

Professional treatments: Use liquid termiticides, bait systems or other recommended treatments.


Why more frequent: Warmer temperatures accelerate fly breeding cycles, and organic waste provides breeding sites.


Fly traps: Use sticky ribbons or UV light traps indoors and outdoors.

Maintain cleanliness: Regularly dispose of garbage and clean up food waste.

Proper food storage: Store food in sealed containers and clean spills promptly.


Why more frequent: Warm, humid conditions promote aphid reproduction on plants.


Insecticidal soaps or oils: Apply to plants to kill aphids without harming beneficial insects.

Natural predators: Introduce ladybugs and lacewings to control aphids.

Regular monitoring: Inspect plants regularly and take early action.


Why more frequent: Warmer, more humid conditions favor flea development on pets and in homes.


Flea preventatives: Use vet-recommended treatments for pets.

Vacuum frequently: Regularly vacuum carpets, rugs and upholstery.

Wash pet bedding: Clean pet bedding and soft toys in hot water weekly.

Yard management: Install fencing to keep flea-carrying wildlife away.


Why more frequent: Warm, humid conditions increase tick activity and host-seeking behavior.


Tick repellents: Apply repellents to clothing and exposed skin.

Trim vegetation: Keep grass and shrubs trimmed to reduce tick habitats.

Regular tick checks: Perform thorough checks after outdoor activities.

Yard treatments: Use labeled insecticides and install fencing to deter wildlife.


Why more frequent: More vegetation growth offers abundant food for beetles.


Beetle traps: Use pheromone traps in gardens and homes.

Inspect and treat plants: Apply appropriate insecticides or natural remedies as needed.

Targeted pesticides: Use as recommended by agricultural experts.


Why more frequent: High humidity and standing water create breeding environments for gnats.


Gnat traps: Use vinegar or wine traps near windows and plants.

Reduce moisture: Fix leaky pipes and use dehumidifiers indoors.

Proper drainage: Ensure outdoor areas drain properly to avoid standing water.


Why more frequent: Heat and humidity drive cockroaches indoors for food and shelter.


Cockroach baits and traps: Place in high-traffic areas like kitchens and bathrooms.

Seal entry points: Inspect and seal gaps and openings.

Clean environment: Regularly clean kitchen surfaces and manage garbage.


Why more frequent: Increased moisture attracts earwigs to damp areas.


Earwig traps: Use rolled-up newspapers or oil and soy sauce traps.

Reduce moisture levels: Fix leaks and use dehumidifiers in damp areas.

Seal entry points: Prevent entry by sealing cracks and gaps.

"Understanding the reasons behind these pest increases and implementing effective treatment strategies can help Alabama homeowners safeguard their homes and enjoy a more comfortable summer," says Smith.

For further details on pest control and preventive measures, visit www.pestdude.com.