Walker Blakeney and Jackson Roberds, both juniors, recently served as pages for the Mississippi House of Representatives for a week. Roberds' grandfather, Rep. Manly Barton, R - Jackson County, …
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Walker Blakeney and Jackson Roberds, both juniors, recently served as pages for the Mississippi House of Representatives for a week. Roberds' grandfather, Rep. Manly Barton, R - Jackson County, sponsored both students.
Pages generally run errands for officials and house staff and Blakeney and Roberds's time was no different.
"I would run errands for representatives throughout the capitol," Roberds said. "I was able to watch my grandfather present a bill and watch an important debate. We also met the governor, lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house, and many other representatives and senators."
When asked if they learned anything over the week that surprised them, both had the same answer and one that might surprise many.
"I was surprised by how well everyone got along with each other. Republicans and Democrats all seemed to be good friends," Blakeney said.
Will we see these two young men run for office one day? Blakeney said he has always had an interest in politics but the experience has piqued his interest more.
"I am thinking about being a lobbyist or a politician now," Blakeney said.
Roberds has grown up around politics but said he never considered pursuing it as a career until now.
"I never thought about going into politics, but after this week I saw how fun it might be," Roberds said.
Blakeney, 16, is the son of Jenny and Brian Blakeney. Roberds, also 16, is the son of Jennifer and Cain Roberds and is a member of the Fairhope High School tennis team.