Wellness By The Bay

By John L. Stump, DC, EdD, PhD
Posted 7/24/07

According to the research of Professor Enderlein, MD, PhD, an outstanding researcher of cancer from Romania, total healing of chronic illness only takes place when and if blood is restored to a normal pH. The pH is the abbreviation for potential …

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Wellness By The Bay


According to the research of Professor Enderlein, MD, PhD, an outstanding researcher of cancer from Romania, total healing of chronic illness only takes place when and if blood is restored to a normal pH. The pH is the abbreviation for potential hydrogen. The pH of any solution is the measure of its hydrogen-ion concentration. The higher the pH reading, the more alkaline and oxygen rich the fluid, the lower the pH, the more acidic and oxygen deprived the fluid concentration. The pH range is from 0 to 14, with 7.0 being neutral. Anything above 7.0 is alkaline, any thing below 7.0 is considered acidic.

Human blood stays in a very narrow pH range (7.3-7.45). Below or above this range means symptoms and disease. If blood pH moves much below 6.8 or above 7.8, cells stop functioning and death begins.

Deviations of pH balance are reflections of metabolic processes (anabolic and catabolic).

Anabolism the constructive phase of metabolism, in which the body cells grow and repair where as, Catabolism is just the opposite it is the utilization and breaking down of the cell processes. The catabolic phase is accompanied by alkaline deviation of pH. Cells have active consumption of oxygen, and there is decomposition of long organic molecules as cells prepare for the anabolic process. Some molecules have oxidation with the utilization of energy. The weaker cells are dying under the action of free radicals. The alkaline environment promotes the propagation of aerobic bacteria and they cause inflammation of tissue. This is the Yang process in Chinese medicine.

Anabolic phase has acid pH. Cells are accumulating nutrients and producing long organic molecules with the help of catalyzers and heat. There are processes of reconstruction and renewal of dead and dying cells and tissue. Acid environment promotes for the propagation of anaerobic bacteria and viruses that cause metabolic pollution of tissues. As a result of the bacteria and viral activity there is a breakage of genome of cells and birth of a cancerous process. This is a Yin process in Chinese medicine.

It is clear now that permanent deviation of pH balance is harmful for normal metabolic processes, but also there is considerable possibility of invasion of infections and parasites.

The fact of prolonged damaging deviation of pH has been used by Romanian physician Emanuel Revici in the treatment of cancer (http//:wwwbloodph.com/articles/drrevici.asap)

In comparing the two last facts it is possible to make the conclusion, that permanent deviation of normal pH invites the ideal environment for trouble. Thus, we can understand why there is so much emphasis on maintaining the normal pH in the struggle for good nutrition today.

If there are any questions or comments regarding this article please write the author at the following address, bamashogun@aol.com.