With hurricane season just around the corner, it is important to stay up to date and know what to do to prepare for possible storms.
Being prepared can allow you to feel secure and safe, …
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With hurricane season just around the corner, it is important to stay up to date and know what to do to prepare for possible storms.
Being prepared can allow you to feel secure and safe, especially when severe weather comes.“We can expect an El Nino year, which is different from previous years. This means that there will be fewer storms, but we are unable to determine where the storms will go," National Weather Service Meteorologist-In-Charge Jason Beaman said.
Beaman added that you can never been certain of what each hurricane season will bring, but it is important to always be prepared.
The season officially begins June 1, but that doesn't mean a named storm can't spin up earlier. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the season peaks in September, and most activity occurs between mid-August and mid-October.
Last year, there were only three named storms by August, but by September, two — Ian and Fiona — killed more than 150 in the U.S. In 2021, there were 21 named storms. In 2020, forecasters had to start naming storms numerically after running out of letters in the alphabet.
Before any storm, Baldwin County Severe Service recommends that you get chores out of the way that require water use and make sure you have printed versions of tips and important numbers in case internet or phone services are unavailable.
According to the Baldwin County Emergency Management Agency, some items to build an emergency kit include water, food, weather radio, flashlight and extra batteries, first aid kit and medications, cell phone with backup charger and battery, generators and fuel, and hygiene items.
If a storm threatens your area, make sure you monitor the weather and get information from reliable sources. You can download apps such as FEMA to receive emergency alerts and information while also getting tips on preparing for disasters. NOAA Now provides the latest information from the NOAA.
While protecting yourself is crucial, you should also protect your home from potential damage. You can protect your home by having shields for your windows, aluminum panels and even boarding up openings of your home.
Beaman suggests checking for weak limbs or trees around your home and recommends cutting them down to avoid damage to your home. The meteorologist-in-charge also suggests knowing how to properly work your generator if you have one or are planning to buy one.
“Be sure to call your insurance company for an insurance check-up," he said. "Make sure you have insurance coverage that is right for you.”