By Jessica Vaughn
FOLEY - Only one week after welcoming guests to make some memories at Legends in Concert, OWA just opened the doors for a spooky new ride for the whole family. Mystic Mansion opened to the public on Friday, June 14, giving the inaugural ride to the winners of a Facebook contest and inviting families of Magic Moments to be the first in line to experience the ride first hand.
“This is really a one of a kind interactive ride, and we’ve put it inside to give guests something that will get them out of the heat,” said General Manager Steve Honeycutt. “You can repeat this ride many, many times because you’re going to compete with others as you ride through and shoot ghosts.”
When The Park at OWA opened at 11 a.m., a line was forming for the new ride, filled with children who were invited to experience the grand opening thanks to Magic Moments, the only wish-granting organization in Alabama that is devoted to children with chronic, life-threatening illnesses. After partnering with OWA to spend a day at the park, OWA officials were happy to offer the children and their families first rides on Mystic Mansion. Approximately 350 children and family members attended the special event, free of charge, as part of the Beyond the Moment program.
But what did the kids have to say about the ride? From the first few riders, opinions were positive.
“My favorite part of the ride was the ghosts, and competing to shoot at them,” said Julia Charles, who was invited by Magic Moments to attend the event. She had a message for those who might be worried how scary the ride is, too. “It was only a little scary when the ghosts pop up suddenly, but it’s not too scary. It was a lot of fun!” She planned to ride again soon after her first trip through the mansion, a sentiment that was shared throughout much of the crowd.
“We knew we wanted to have something different when discussing what next, so that’s why we decided to go with a dark ride,” said Honeycutt. “When it rains, it doesn’t matter, Mystic Mansion will still be open for you to shoot ghosts. It is the most unique attraction in the park, and in this region.”
OWA invites guests to come and find out for themselves, as Mystic Mansion is officially open for business. The Park is operating on summer hours and is open every day of the week, from 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. and Downtown OWA is open daily from 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. The Park now offers free non-rider passes for anyone attending with a rider but who does not wish to ride themselves. For full ticket info and details about OWA, visit their website at