“Libraries Rock” at the Marjorie Younce Snook Public Library in Summerdale


SUMMERDALE - The Marjorie Younce Snook Public Library is excited to present our summer reading programs during the month of June. We kicked off “Libraries Rock” on June 5 with an introduction to Bee Keeping provided by Sara Duncan and Rex Aldridge. We learned the importance of bees, not only for the delicious honey they produce but also for their pollination. Bees help pollenate over $19 billion worth of agricultural crops in the U.S. alone each year; that’s estimated to be one-third of everything we eat! Bees are easily amongst the most important insects to humans on Earth. These humble, buzzing bugs deserve a huge thanks – for helping provide us with our favorite fruits and vegetables, their delicious honey, and beautiful, flowery gardens! On June 12, Chris Rumble presented an outstanding program, "Fired up about Reading" Family Time Around the (INDOOR) Campfire that featured hilarious storytelling and the fun of being together in the setting of a campfire. Our campfire time included the fun, high-energy reading-incentive songs and other laughter-inducing campfire activities Chris is so well known for. Our June 19 program featured the Animal Tales “Libraries Rock” show. Miss Vicki presented many amazing animals – WaKanda the Red Crested Turaco who is just learning to fly, Mr. Hip Hop, a blue Amazonian Milk Frog, Sissy and Sassy the hissing cockroaches, Coco the Four-Eyed Opossum, Steve the Hog Island Boa and Selena, a beautiful Gray Wolf Pup. The children were able to interact with some of the animals and Miss Vicki shared many fascinating facts about each one. All programs included reading time with our featured readers, Norma Giles, Sylvia Lamberth and Lori Larkin, along with arts & crafts and refreshments. Our grand finale will be next Tuesday, June 26, and will feature face painting artist Shelly Stidham, along with several arts & crafts projects, hots dogs and chips and another visit from the Ice Cream Van. The Thursday morning program “Sunshine Storytime” for children aged 4 and under, held from 10 to 11, and the Thursday afternoon program for school-aged children, held from 2 to 3:30, will continue throughout the summer months. The library would like to thank Dollar General for their generous summer reading grant and Applebee’s for donating reading reward coupons. The Marjorie Younce Snook Public Library is located at 202 West Broadway Street in Summerdale and is open Monday through Friday from 9 to 6 and on Saturdays from 9 to 1. For more information please visit www.summerdalelibrary.com or call 989-2011.