Come see the legends come to life at Legends in Concert OWA


NOTE: Leo Days performed tributes to Michael Jackson and Elvis on the night these photos were taken.

FOLEY - Legends in Concert OWA is bringing the greats to life with amazing tributes to four legendary artists! Check out Leo Days’ tribute to King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley; Katie Murdock makes her debut at Legends at OWA’s theater with her tribute to the Princess of Pop, Britney Spears; Chad Collins is hitting the stage as the Most-Heard Artist of the Decade Luke Bryan; and J. Lucas returns to the stage to pay homage to King of Pop, Michael Jackson.

Along with the tribute artists, guests will be treated to a live band, a cast of local dancers and back-up vocalists, special effects, and more.

The sizzling summer lineup lasts until Sept. 6, and guests can catch the acts Tuesday - Saturday at 7:30 p.m., with weekend matinee performances on Saturday and Sunday at 4 p.m.

Due to social distancing guidelines, the theater is operating at 50% capacity until further notice. Alternate rows will be blocked off and not in use. While parties will be able to sit together, empty seats will be left between separate parties to maintain distance.

Due to the limited capacity and in an effort to keep guests appropriately distanced, guests will not be able to choose their row or seat numbers when purchasing tickets at this time. Instead, tickets will be purchased through a tier-format, including standard, preferred, or mezzanine seating. Upon arrival, guests will be seated by a theater staff member to ensure proper social distancing protocols are being followed.

Tickets to catch the summer artists before they’re gone can be purchased at or by calling 251-369-6100. Due to social distancing guidelines, the usual 15+ guests to qualify for the group rate has been reduced to 10+ to qualify until further notice. Group discounts are available by calling 314-775-6822.

For additional information on show schedules, tickets, safety guidelines and more, go to or www.LEGENDSINCONCERT.COM/OWA or follow them on Twitter @LegendsOWA, Facebook @LegendsInConcertOWA and Instagram @legendsinconcertowa.