Wisconsin Sno-Birds flock to Orange Beach for winter events

GCM Staff Report
Posted 1/28/25

The Wisconsin Sno-Birds, a group of seasonal visitors from the Badger State, will host a variety of activities and gatherings in February for members and newcomers at venues across the Gulf Coast.

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Wisconsin Sno-Birds flock to Orange Beach for winter events


The Wisconsin Sno-Birds, a group of seasonal visitors from the Badger State, will host a variety of activities and gatherings in February for members and newcomers at venues across the Gulf Coast.

The events offer opportunities for socializing, recreation and community involvement.

Regular meetings are scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 5, and Wednesday, Feb. 19, at the Orange Beach Event Center near The Wharf. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. with coffee and donuts, and the meetings begin promptly at 9 a.m. Attendees can learn about upcoming potlucks, picnics, volunteer opportunities and other activities during their stay in the area.

Singles are invited to connect at two special gatherings: Tuesday, Feb. 11, at 11:30 a.m. at the Original Oyster House, 701 Gulf Shores Parkway, Gulf Shores, and Tuesday, Feb. 25, at 4 p.m. at Cosmo's Restaurant, 25753 Canal Road, Orange Beach.

February's calendar also includes several engaging events for Sno-Birds. On Tuesday, Feb. 11, the group will host an 8-Pin No-Tap Bowling event at Gulf Bowl in Foley. Participants must sign up during the Feb. 5 meeting.

A potluck luncheon is planned for Wednesday, Feb. 12, at the Orange Beach Community Center. Doors open at 10 a.m., with the meal starting at 11:30 a.m. Members can register for the potluck during the meetings.
Trivia enthusiasts can test their knowledge during Trivia Night on Saturday, Feb. 22, at the Orange Beach Event Center. The competition kicks off at 6 p.m., with sign-ups available at group meetings.

Ongoing activities include card games every Friday through March 28 at The Lighthouse, 455 East Beach Blvd., Gulf Shores, and golfing with special rates at GlenLakes Golf Club off County Road 20 in Foley.

The Sno-Birds also host a puzzle and book exchange and collect donations of box tops and logos from General Mills and Johnson & Johnson products, motel soaps and toiletries, empty ink cartridges and pop-top rings for charity.

For more information or to sign up for events, contact Kenn at (715) 927-3927 or visit www.wisconsinsnobirds.com.