Taubel, called to serve: Original Oyster House employee celebrates 27th anniversary this year

GCM Staff Report
Posted 6/12/24

Karen Taubel, who celebrates her 27th anniversary at the Original Oyster House this year, counts her many blessings.

Back in 1997, when the restaurant was three miles closer to Mobile, before a …

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Taubel, called to serve: Original Oyster House employee celebrates 27th anniversary this year


Karen Taubel, who celebrates her 27th anniversary at the Original Oyster House this year, counts her many blessings.

Back in 1997, when the restaurant was three miles closer to Mobile, before a hurricane gutted that location, Taubel saw a great seafood sign on the Causeway that called to her. She was hired by the late Tony Bonanno.
Her position as a server helped her not only monetarily but offered her priceless time with her family. Taubel was able to drive her children to school before her shift and was there when they returned home. She never looked back.

When asked about her greatest accomplishments, Taubel said without hesitation raising her three incredible children and placing God first.

Today, Taubel has seven grandchildren and knows her decision to join the Original Oyster House family was a godsend. Her children let her know regularly how grateful they are that she was there for them especially now that they are raising a family. Taubel loves being a server, or, better phrased, she loves to serve. This is evident being named employee of month several times, which reflects her giving spirit. She stays active in her church and enjoys fund-raising for the Dream Women's Conference.

Throughout her career, Taubel has cultivated life-long friends and patrons. She has served couples who over the years return alone after they were widowed. She has watched many of her co-workers, patrons and their children grow into successful citizens. She takes pride in her coworkers who once served, washed dishes, shucked oysters and develop into management leaders. In 2005, Taubel watched her workplace completely destroyed by Katrina then reopen in record time. She credited this to the commitment and perseverance of her work family. She's endured the pandemic which shut down businesses and was thankful it was not hers.

Now, the Original Oyster House has two locations, Gulf Shores, 701 Gulf Shores Parkway on the Original Oyster House Boardwalk; and Mobile, 3733 Battleship Parkway, on the Mobile Causeway. In 2016, the Original Oyster House became the first restaurant in the state of Alabama to recycle oyster shells through the Alabama Coastal Foundation and one of the only restaurants to Oyster Garden or grow stocker oysters for reef restoration.

Taubel's Original Oyster House career is best summarized in her words.

"Serving is not easy, but it is a blessing. God has called me to serve in all aspects of my life. I've had ups and downs but more ups. I honestly feel we have the best employees in the city and I am honored to work with them. My relationship with God is the most important in my life. I gave my life to Jesus when I worked here, which radically changed everything," Taubel said.