Gulf Shores teacher receives federal award for science teaching

Posted 1/17/25

GULF SHORES – Krista Fleming, environmental science teacher at Gulf Shores High School, received the Presidential Award of Excellence for Math and Science Teaching from the U.S. Department of …

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Gulf Shores teacher receives federal award for science teaching


GULF SHORES – Krista Fleming, environmental science teacher at Gulf Shores High School, received the Presidential Award of Excellence for Math and Science Teaching from the U.S. Department of Education.

"I'm so fortunate to work with such a great district, from our school board to our administration and our local community," Fleming said as the award was presented to her by Gulf Shores City Schools (GSCS) Superintendent, Matt Akin, and Assistant Superintendent, Stephanie Harrison.

Harrison said only about 110 maximum teachers receive this award each year with typically about two teachers selected from Alabama. "This is a really big deal" as this award comes from the federal government.

"We are very proud of her and it's a great honor," Harrison said. "She is a fantastic teacher."

Fleming said the was the science awardee as the math and science awards are separate from each other. At the GSCS board meeting where she was presented with the award, Harrison said Fleming is being awarded $10,000 when she formally accepts the award, likely in Washington.

Upon receiving the award, Fleming thanked the community for supporting her classroom as she works with different local environmental groups to provide interactive and hands-on learning for students.

“It doesn’t matter who we’re reaching out to. Our whole community is teaching our students and we’re so fortunate for that and I’m so fortunate for that support,” Fleming said. “I just appreciate everything.”

In a quote Fleming gave to the U.S. Department of Education upon receiving the award, she said, “The Presidential Award is the pinnacle of my career and confirms that an innovative approach to teaching science through experiential learning promotes an effective educational environment.”

The quote goes on to touch on the support from the district and the community that has “transformed” her classroom and helped to create “a learning environment where all students can be successful.”

Fleming teaches environmental science at Gulf Shores High School covering any on-target level of environmental science as well as Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) courses.

As previously reported by GCM, Fleming was recognized in 2024 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for her immersive environmental science curriculum with the Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators (PIAEE). Fleming has spearheaded initiatives aimed at fostering environmental stewardship among her students through projects like oyster gardening, dune restoration and living shoreline restoration in Little Lagoon.