BID NO. 25-017

Separate sealed bids for Labor, Transportation and Equipment for the 46 KV Transmission Line 2025 Modifications & Additions will be received by the City of Fairhope of Baldwin County, Alabama, in the City of Fairhope offices, 555 South Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on or before February 6, 2025 at 10:00 A.M., at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud.

A mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held at the above address on January 28, 2025 at 10:00 A.M.

The project will consist of Labor and Equipment for construction associated with 46 KV Transmission Line 2025 Modifications & Additions consisting of:

Base Bid - Install approximately thirty-two (32) 46 KV weathered steel poles with a new 3-phase distribution line on five (5) of the poles. Twenty-seven (27) of these poles will have an existing double circuit 3-phase distribution line attached to them. This project will also consist of sawing off and capping twenty-four (24) existing concrete poles. All poles shall be backfilled with gravel.

Alternate #1 - Relocating a 46 KV transmission line and a 3-phase distribution line consisting of approximately fourteen (14) new weathered steel transmission poles, and approximately three (3) new wood distribution poles. This Alternate will also include a 46 KV underground road bore under Greeno Road (Hwy 98) for approximately 300 feet. The road bore will consist of a 20-inch HDPE encasement with four (4) 5-inch and two (2) 2-inch HDPE conduits inside the encasement. The bore shall be 10-feet under the highway. Install an underground 3-phase distribution line, secondary street light line, and an empty 2-inch conduit for future fiber use along Ingleside Street to Morphy Avenue for approximately 630 feet. All weathered steel poles shall be backfilled with gravel.

Alternate #2 - Installing a new 46 KV transmission line, existing distribution line, and a 2-inch conduit for fiber along the north side of Morphy Avenue, underground in PVC conduits beneath the existing sidewalk. In addition, this Alternate will consist of removing and hauling off the existing sidewalk, installing new 46 KV risers and vaults, and installing 3-phase risers and termination cabinets.

The materials that will be furnished are described in attached Specifications and Drawings.

NOTE: Owner will furnish all materials.

Drawings, Specifications and Contract Documents may be examined at the office of the Owner or at the office of the Engineer. Bid documents will be posted on the City of Fairhope Website: or a copy may be obtained by emailing: Specifications are on file and may be seen in the Purchasing Department of the City of Fairhope, Alabama, 555 S. Section Street. Copies may be obtained from Stewart Engineering, Inc., Electrical Consultants, P. O. Box 2233, Anniston, AL 36202, upon payment of $300.00 for each set, none of which will be refunded. Three copies of Drawings and Specifications will be furnished to the successful bidder for construction purposes, without charge and additional Drawings and Specifications will be available to the successful bidder at their cost of reproduction.

The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all bids.

No taxes of any kind are to be included in the bid prices unless requested. City of Fairhope will provide assistance with tax exemption certificates through the State of Alabama, when necessary, and when requested by the awarded Vendor, before purchases are initiated.

No bidder may withdraw his bid within 60 days after the actual date of the opening thereof.

Each bidder must be licensed as a Contractor under the laws of the State of Alabama and will be required to advertise completion of the contract in accordance with Alabama State Law.

All bids must be on blank bid forms provided in the Bid Documents. Bids shall be accompanied by a Bid Security equal to 5% (percent) of the bid price, but in no event more than $10,000.00. Bid Security shall be in the form of a Bid Bond or a cashier's check payable to The City of Fairhope. No Bid Security is required on bids less than $10,000.00.

The City of Fairhope is an Equal Opportunity Employer and requires that all contractors comply with the Equal Employment Opportunity laws and the provisions of the Contract Documents in this regard. The City of Fairhope also encourages and supports the utilization of Minority Business Enterprises on this and all public bids.

All bids, with their guarantee (when required), must be enclosed in a sealed, opaque envelope, clearly identified on the outside as a "Sealed Bid" with Bid Name, Bid Number, City of Fairhope's Name and Address and Bidder's Name and Address. Each bid must be in a separate envelope. Bids made out in pencil will not be accepted.

The Contractor must furnish to the City of Fairhope, at the time of the signing of the contract, a Certificate of Insurance coverage which will include Comprehensive Insurance, Contractor's Automobile Liability Insurance, and where applicable, Owner's Protective Liability Insurance, Sub-contractor's Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance. The right is reserved to reject any and/or all proposals and any portion thereof, and to waive informalities and to furnish any item of material or work to change the amount of the Contract. Failure to observe the instructions contained herein will constitute grounds for rejection of your proposal.

The company that is awarded the bid must have Workman's Compensation Insurance on all of its employees if work is to be performed on City of Fairhope premises. General Liability Insurance, specifying coverage, must be maintained to hold the City of Fairhope harmless in the event of an accident. See bid packet for details.

No bids will be considered unless the bidder, whether resident or non-resident of Alabama, is properly qualified to submit a proposal for this type of work in accordance with all applicable laws of the State of Alabama. Where applicable, this shall include evidence of holding a current license from the State Licensing Board for General Contractors, Montgomery, Alabama, as required by Chapter 8 of Title 34, of the Code of Alabama, 1975. In addition, the awarded vendor, if non-resident of the State, and if a corporation, shall show evidence of having qualified with the Secretary of State to do business in the State of Alabama, Bidder must have a current business license or purchase a business license with the City of Fairhope prior to work performed. No proposals shall be withdrawn for the period of ninety (90) days subsequent to the opening of proposals without the consent of the City of Fairhope of Fairhope, Alabama, Baldwin County, Alabama.

January 3-10-17, 2025

Posted 1/10/2025